Video: Lea climbing Serro del Hombre

Brian struck up a conversation with Guillermo, whose car repair shop is next to Lea's school, and he invited us to go for a hike with his family. We were thinking a nice mountain walk for a couple of hours. We should have known differently when we met his family for our walk and he was carrying a machete and a rope! What we thought was going to be a mellow walk ended up being the hardest mountain climb of our lives, and Lea was right there with us the whole time brave as could be! We decided to trust this man and follow his lead. It ended up being an incedibly memorable experience, and incredibly empowering for us all. To get a better idea of what the climb entailed view this short video of Lea ascending up a very steep part of the climb. The rope was necessary after all!


  1. Wow! I'll bet that was a moment that Lea will remember - at least vaguely - her entire life. And, she has this "I did it!" seed planted to show how things that seem really hard can be accomplished with care, planning, and assistance. Cool...

  2. Pretty incredible! I was sweating it out. Go Lea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Falicidades Lea. (I hope that means congratulations)Good climbing! Maybe when you come to visit us in Colorado Dana can take you climbing some of the places that she goes to, that is if you want to!
    Uncle Ronnie
